Sunday, December 27, 2009


Well, it is officially two days after Christmas but for the first time in as long as I can remember, it doesn't feel like Christmas has magically disappeared after 11:59 pm on December 25th. It feels like the spirit is still in the air, which I find to be great. First off, I didn't even feel like Christmas was approaching at all this year with all the hecticness of final exams coming to an end on December 22nd. By the time I got home there were only two full days left until Christmas. And for my family, Christmas begins on Christmas Eve, so I effectively had one day to get myself in the spirit (and to do some last minute city Christmas shopping). Then it came upon me "like a tidal wave" and suddenly I felt myself filled with the spirit. I didn't care about gifts or money as much as I did about re-connecting with my family and sharing stories with them about old times and new times. It was good to finally just be able to relax and let the spirit of Christmas guide me through the holiday. I think that's what Christmas should always be about. Back with more later...