Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sorry For The Hiatus... Back With More

I realize it's been nearly a week now since my last post so I think it's just about time to get back to business. This week's going to be a jam-packed week for this blog as I talk about new and exciting things that you probably never even HEARD of before! And by that I mean, I'll be talking about stuff that you have heard of before but ususally choose to ignore. This is the "Seinfeld" of blogs, my friends. They'll range from annoying to profound and then back again... Now as all of you know (if anyone's even reading this), I will officially be a high school graduate come Saturday at around 5:30 pm, if all goes according to plan. So basically, in addition to this serving as an outlet for me to emote electronically (clever alliteration, eh?), it will also serve as a springboard for lots of procrastination in a week where I probably should be getting ready for the most important day of my life so far. Bear with me.
Without any further ado, here's a tentative schedule for this week's blogs just to get you psyched and prepared for this epic week of blogging:
Monday through Wednesday: Comparing the Time Travel Theories Presented in the Back to the Future trilogy and the Terminator movies. A three-part entry.
Thursday: Why Terminator 3 was a better film than Salvation.
Friday: The Future Is Not Set--- Personal Anecdotes on High School, College, and life itself.
Pretty exciting, huh? I'm especially excited for Monday's blog as it's really confusing and challenges the reader (and me) to think about pretty complex ideas thrown out by movies that were supposed to be taken with a grain of salt. Stay tuned for that, and for all things "Resistance of Salvation" in the week to come.

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