Saturday, January 22, 2011

Real Reform


From the darkness came the light;

From the weakness came the might.

You're tied down, fed up, pushed to the side.

You're an unstoppable dynamo with way too much pride.

But you know that in life it's either righteousness or sin.

And if you're not sweating, you're not at the gym.

Not everything is just as it seems, and every so often, you've got to get a little mean.

The world is not unfair, it's the people in it that can make you feel so square.

So buckle down if you want to have a fighting chance;

And if you head on down to the clubs, just make sure that you know how to dance.

Play the game and learn how to conform;

In this life, there's no such thing as real reform.


  1. I like the first 5 lines, but then it takes a very pessimistic turn. True: conformity is part of living in any society. But "no such thing as real reform"? Is that a moral statement? There are myriads of examples of authentic, life-changing repentance in history. Look at St. Paul! As Catholics, we believe in the grace of the sacraments, particularly the Sacrament of Penance.

  2. Thanks for your feedback, Joe. Actually, I was trying to make the point that reform is possible but too often people, especially teenagers who need to maintain some sort of "image" to stay current, don't realize it. I am a big believer in reform and St. Paul is someone who I immediately think of when I think of someone who truly did take up the challenge to reform!
