Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Gameplan

2 posts in one day... I'm busy (and bored) tonight. This is just a quick update about what's going on here at Resistance of Salvation headquarters (by headquarters I mean my laptop in my bedroom) in the coming week. Last week I made some promises about what I would be posting on the blog each day, which kind of didn't work out so I'm not going to do that again this week, and probably never again. I'm not a very organized person, and I'm definitely a procrastinator so I tend to put off tasks I assign for myself until I feel like doing them... which I'm sure will help me immensely in college. So anywho, here's a quick rundown on what I may try to do this week. I definitely will finish up my time travel series hopefully early on in the week. I really never imagined it would be so hard to write about the time travel theories as presented in the Back to the Future trilogy and the Terminator world, but it's pretty damn confusing so I've split it up into a few separate blog entries. Third, and final, entry is coming at you in the very near future. I also promised to do 2 other Terminator related entries last week which I never got to. Rest assured, those will be delivered as promised, again, sometime early this week (hopefully). And, of course, any spur of the moment ideas I come up with that I think will make for fascinating viewing will pop up on your computer screens as well. May also do a couple things on college life this week... expectations, etc. We shall see. So the basic message I'm trying to convey is "That Terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with, it can be reasoned with, and it absolutely will not stop... ever... until you are dead." Oh, right, I was talking about what's going on at the Blog this week. Hard to believe I'm such a disorganized writer, huh? Good when I put my mind to it though... and, yeah, seriously, that Terminator is ripped. I would hand over my clothes if he asked me to. Otherwise, he may kind of, well, kill you in cold blood and imitate your voice on the phone. I'll be back... and sooner than you'd like me to be.

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